“Typography is always trump”

The power of typography and the art of the letterpress. Includes a short documentary on Firefly Letterpress and

“God and the Devil are in the details”
John Kristensen

I’ll be the first to admit that typography is not a strength of mine however it is something I appreciate and am working on improving. This morning was an untypical “typography” day for me. I began the morning at MyFonts.com selecting some new fonts for a couple of new projects Blue Lynx Marketing, Inc. will be working on. The Magento font from Positype is one we’ll be using soon. I also researched various options to embed “fancy” fonts into websites without negatively effecting search engine optimization. My “typography” day concluded with watching this short documentary on the aged art of letter pressing. If you are a fan of the subtleties of typography and printing presses, you will enjoy this video.

I love seeing people work with passion and I have a lot of respect and appreciation towards John Kristensen. The Firefly Letterpress website includes another impressive entertaining documentary by photojournalism grad student Colin Smith.

There is a subtle art to typography and I believe if you restricted a great designer to typography, they could communicate your message just as effectively, if not better, than any slick photoshop treatment. Sometimes less is greater than more. Take for instance, Graham Smith aka ImJustCreative. Graham is a true typography aficianado and even created a website for his favorite font family – LoveHelvetica.com. In my opinion, Graham has produced some very interesting and memorable logos based on typography alone.

Do you have a favorite font or typographer? Do you even “consciously” pay attention to typography or is it just words on a page to you?
